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17th May 2017

biosurfit wins award of distinction “BORN FROM KNOWLEDGE” at the 14th National Meeting of Innovation COTEC-ANI

biosurfit wins award of distinction “BORN FROM KNOWLEDGE” at the 14th National Meeting of Innovation COTEC-ANI
biosurfit, the in vitro point-of-care (PoC) diagnostics company, is pleased to announce the awarded distinction BORN FROM KNOWLEDGE at the 14th National Meeting of Innovation COTEC-ANI for the development of the spinit® HbA1c, the POC test to monitor and diagnose diabetes.
biosurfit, the in vitro point-of-care (PoC) diagnostics company, is pleased to announce the awarded distinction BORN FROM KNOWLEDGE at the 14th National Meeting of Innovation COTEC-ANI for the development of the spinit® HbA1c, the POC test to monitor and diagnose diabetes
The distinction, first time established, recognizes the award to innovative products that are targeted to global markets and developed by companies with their activity in Portugal. It’s a distinction award to products that are "born from knowledge” and with activities based on Research & Development (R&D).
spinit® is the first and only point-of-care diagnostic system capable of performing all three of the major blood tests (haematology, immunoassays and clinical chemistry) on the same instrument. This combination of different detection methods on a CD/DVD format of the spinit® disposable disc, along with powerful microfluidics, is facilitating the development of a pipeline of tests. A lipids panel, an inflammation panel and a D-dimer test are all currently in the advanced stages of development to be added to the existing available tests in the market: C-reactive Protein (CRP), Blood Count (BC) and HbA1c (glycated haemoglobin).
João Garcia da Fonseca, CEO of biosurfit, commented: "It is with great pride and honour that biosurfit receives this award. We believe this is the recognition of our hard and intense work along the years to make spinit® a new reference in the way of performing blood analysis.
biosurfit SA
João Garcia da Fonseca, Chief Executive Officer
Daniel Neves, Chief Marketing Officer
+351 218 860 169

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